Warren Buffett lecture at Notre Dame in 1991:

“I always tell the students in business school they’d be better off when they got out of business school to have a punch card with 20 punches on it. And every time they made an investment decision they used up one of those punches, because they aren’t going to get 20 great ideas in their lifetime. They’re going to get five, or three, or seven. And you can get rich off five, or three, or seven. But what you can’t get rich doing is trying to get one every day.”

I am writing these investment articles mainly to help organize my thinking/research.

My investment style is not unique, in that I am a value investor, investing in a concentrated manner (typically ~10 positions). But, my investing style might differ from other value investors in that I do not believe I have the ability to jump from industry-to-industry with ease. I’m a bit more extreme about the “circle of competence” concept.

Due to the concentrated nature of my investments, there might not be many posts. I also might not post all my ideas. However, I’m sure I’ll find a few items to write about each year. Quality over quantity is the goal.

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Investments in quality companies at cheap prices (and some other topics).